Where Suitable
Source: PRESSA 2009
How to Construct a Zai Pit
Benefits of Zai Pits
Constraints of Zai Pit
Needs a lot of labor when establishing, especially digging and fertilizing. It is more realistic when done groups of farmers instead of individuals.
Where Suitable
How to Make a Contour Bund and Hedgerows
Bench terraces consist of a series of beds which are more or less level running across a slope at vertical intervals, supported by steep banks or risers (walls or bunds). The flat beds created by bench terraces enable the cultivation of crops on medium to steep slopes.
Where Suitable
How to Make Bench Terraces
Method of farming that conserves, improves and uses natural resources for production.
How to Practice Conservation Agriculture?
To practice conservation agriculture a farmer will need to do these 3 things:
Minimum Soil Disturbance
Photo: Minimum tillage Source: ACT
Benefits of Minimum Tillage Practice
Permanent Soil Cover
Benefits of Permanent Soil Cover
Benefits of Conservation Agriculture
Crop Diversification
The farmer will need to grow several crops on his land. This is done through embracing crop rotation or intercropping.
Photo: Permanent soil cover Source: ACT
5.Crop Rotation Management Practice
Photo: Crop rotation Source: KALRO Flicker
Benefits of Crop Rotation
6.Intercropping Management Practice
For example, one can inter-crop maize with field beans or sorghum with cowpea.
Photo: Crop intercropping Source: KALRO Flicker
Benefits of Intercropping
Where Suitable
Photo: Fanya juu terraces Source: Mokua 2007
How to Make Fanya Juu Terraces
Photo: Grass strips Source: Obwocha 2009
Where Suitable
How to Make Grass Strips
Source: PRESSA 2009
Source: PRESSA 2009
Stone lines are stones placed along contour lines to slow down runoff. With time, the soil builds up on the upslope side of the stone line and a natural terrace is formed.
Where Suitable
Photo: Stone lines Source: Obwocha 2009
How to Make Stone Lines
Source: Duveskog 2003; Awulachew 2009
Photo: Tied ridges Source: Itabari 2004
Where Suitable
How to Make a Tied Ridge
Advantages of Tied Ridges
Photo: Crop under mulch Source: Tengnas 1994
Where Suitable
How to Mulch your Farm
Cost varies depending on the choice of mulch material used.
A roof catchment is a system with gutters in the roof that drain water into a suitable storage system such as a tank or a water pan. It is especially used in roofs made of iron sheets or clay tiles.
Green Manure Cover Crops
Participatory Range Land Management
Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization
P.O. Box 57811-00200, Nairobi, Kenya
Call: 0111010100