Local language: kabich-Luo. Cabbages is a biennial crop, grown as an annual crop, it has round dense leaved head. The leaves are green, white or red with short stem and fibrous roots. Cabbages are mainly used as a vegetable in main dishes and in various salads. It is sometimes used as livestock feed.
Nutritionally cabbage has Vitamins A, C & K, fiber, folate and potassium. The antioxidant components suppress cancer cell growth.
Riana F1
Gloria F1
Source: Infonet Biovision.Org
Other Varieties
Ruby Perfection F1 (Cold and hot temperature tolerant).
Select a site for cabbage production with:
Cabbage requires Altitude: – 800 – 2000 m.a.s.l.
Temperature: 4 – 24oC is required for optimal growth.
Rainfall: A well-distributed rainfall of between 380 – 500 mm
Ensure cabbage nursery has fine soil free of stones, soil crumbs, roots, plastics etc.
Beds width of 1 meter and a convenient length not exceeding 100 meters and a height of 15 centimeters.
Row spacing should be at least 15 cm.
The furrow seed sowing should be 1-2 cm deep.
DAP is applied at a rate of 50gms/m2 or use any other compound fertilizer as per soil analysis results.
Seed should be dusted with a fungicide and insecticide to protect seeds from pest and diseases
Cover the seed lightly with a 1cm layer of fine soil, water, cover with straw or dry grass well.
Monitor cabbages regularly for pest and disease occurrence. Early detection of pests and diseases is critical to easier control of outbreaks.
Diamond Black Moth
Source: Infonet Biovision.Org
The Sawfly
Source: Infonet Biovision.Org
Source: Infonet Biovision.Org
Source: Infonet Biovision.Org
Source: Infonet Biovision.Org
Club Root
Source: Infonet Biovision.Org
Control Practice crop rotation, destroy infected plants. Apply lime to the soil. This creates an environment that is not favorable to club root.
Bacterial Soft Rot
Source: Infonet Biovision.Org
Alternaria Leaf Spot
Source: Infonet Biovision.Org
Ring Spot
Source: Infonet Biovision.Org
Black Leg
Source: Infonet Biovision.Org
Black Rot
Source: Infonet Biovision.Org
Damping Off
Source: Infonet Biovision.Org
Mature cabbage
The grading for cabbages is a follow: -
Garden pea planter/seed drill - a farm implements that sow seeds at a desired seeding rate and depth, ensuring that the seeds are covered and compacted under soil.
Motorized Knapsack Sprayer – a farm implement used in chemical application.
Land preparation
Laying of drip irrigation pipes
Preparation 10 minutes
Basic costs (variable costs) KES 80,000/acre
Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization
P.O. Box 57811-00200, Nairobi, Kenya
Call: 0111010100